Friday, September 7, 2012

Give the Dog a Bone

I was in a 3/4 classroom today while subbing for a resource teacher, and some of the kids were playing a fun Math game.  It will sharpen their hundred chart skills in a fun and engaging way on the Smartboard or computer.  It's called "Give The Dog a Bone". 

Can you find all 10 bones in one minute before the time runs out?  Give it a try!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Hi!  Today I decided to add a Clustrmap, which is a way of tracking visitors that view my blog.  I will definitely use a visitor-tracking widget with my class/student blogs because it is an invaluable way for students to see who is visiting their blog from around the world. 

This can be a great motivator.  Once they see that they have a global audience, they will be enticed to continue writing for this audience and the excitement increases! 

Students will also be interested to check who has been visiting their blog, and find out more about where their audience is from.  What a great way to encourage students to learn more about the countries where their visitors are from. 

Clustrmaps do not have a counter to show exact numbers of people that have visited from a particular place, but the size of the dot in each location is relative to the number of visitors.

I'm curious to see who will come and visit me!  Do you know other ways that you can track who comes knocking at your door (so to speak)?